Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Two

Dear world... 
As I sit in bed, pondering if I even have anything to write, I think of why that is where I am right now. I am clueless of how to succeed...maybe I should see the broadway show "How to Succeed In Business" but i think I rather would have seen it when Blain from Glee was the lead. Anyway...
     Today I learned that I am easily distracted. I wonder why. Is it because I am not doing something I enjoy, or is it because I don't have a focus. At work I have to put my iPod in my ears so I can tune out the reality of where I am and bring to life the excitement, the joy of music, the passion i hear in the voice of artist doing what they are meant to so. What am I suppose to do? 

I love to cook. I love to paint. I love to take photos. I love to travel. I love to relax and connect to my inner self. 

Gee.... I sound like the book Eat Pray Love. Barf.

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